Networking & Cloud Computing – Study Programs

Networking: The practice of connecting computers and other devices to share resources and information.

Cloud Computing: The delivery of computing services—including servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence—over the internet (the cloud) to offer faster innovation, flexible resources, and economies of scale.

2. Key Concepts in Networking:

  • Types of Networks:
    • LAN (Local Area Network): Connects devices in a limited area such as a home, school, or office building.
    • WAN (Wide Area Network): Connects devices over large geographic areas, such as cities or countries.
    • MAN (Metropolitan Area Network): Spans a city or a large campus.
    • PAN (Personal Area Network): Connects devices within the range of an individual person, typically within a range of 10 meters.
  • Network Topologies:
    • Star Topology: All nodes are connected to a central hub.
    • Bus Topology: All devices share a single communication line.
    • Ring Topology: Each node is connected to two other nodes, forming a ring.
    • Mesh Topology: Devices are interconnected, allowing for multiple pathways for data transmission.
  • Network Protocols:
    • TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol): The foundational protocols for the internet and other networks.
    • HTTP/HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol/Secure): Protocols for transferring web pages.
    • FTP (File Transfer Protocol): Used for transferring files between computers.
    • SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol): Used for sending emails.
    • DNS (Domain Name System): Translates domain names into IP addresses.
  • Networking Devices:
    • Router: Forwards data packets between computer networks.
    • Switch: Connects devices within a LAN and forwards data based on MAC addresses.
    • Hub: Basic device that connects multiple devices in a LAN but does not manage traffic.
    • Firewall: Monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules.
    • Modem: Converts digital data to analog signals and vice versa, enabling internet access over telephone lines or cable.

3. Key Concepts in Cloud Computing:

  • Service Models:
    • IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service): Provides virtualized computing resources over the internet.
    • PaaS (Platform as a Service): Provides a platform allowing customers to develop, run, and manage applications without dealing with the infrastructure.
    • SaaS (Software as a Service): Delivers software applications over the internet on a subscription basis.
  • Deployment Models:
    • Public Cloud: Services are delivered over the public internet and shared across multiple organizations.
    • Private Cloud: Services are maintained on a private network dedicated to a single organization.
    • Hybrid Cloud: Combines public and private clouds, allowing data and applications to be shared between them.
    • Multi-Cloud: The use of multiple cloud computing services in a single heterogeneous architecture.
  • Key Technologies:
    • Virtualization: Creating a virtual version of something, such as hardware platforms, storage devices, and network resources.
    • Containers: A lightweight form of virtualization that packages code and its dependencies together.
    • Microservices: An architectural style that structures an application as a collection of loosely coupled services.
    • Serverless Computing: A cloud-computing execution model where the cloud provider dynamically manages the allocation of machine resources.

4. Cloud Service Providers:

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS): Offers a wide range of services including computing, storage, and networking.
  • Microsoft Azure: Provides solutions including IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS.
  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP): Offers computing, storage, and machine learning services.
  • IBM Cloud: Provides IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS offerings.
  • Oracle Cloud: Offers comprehensive cloud services across SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS.

5. Networking and Cloud Computing Tools:

  • Network Monitoring Tools:
    • Wireshark: Network protocol analyzer for network troubleshooting.
    • Nagios: Open-source tool for network monitoring and alerting.
    • SolarWinds: Suite of network management tools.
  • Cloud Management Tools:
    • Terraform: Infrastructure as code tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure.
    • Ansible: Open-source tool for automation of IT tasks such as configuration management, application deployment, and task automation.
    • Kubernetes: Open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
    • AWS Management Console: Web-based interface for managing AWS services.
    • Azure Portal: Web-based application for managing Azure resources and services.

6. Security in Networking and Cloud Computing:

  • Encryption: Protecting data by converting it into a code to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Authentication and Authorization: Verifying identity (authentication) and granting permissions (authorization).
  • Firewalls: Security systems that monitor and control network traffic based on security rules.
  • Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS): Monitor network traffic for suspicious activity and take action.
  • Compliance: Adhering to regulations and standards such as GDPR, HIPAA, and ISO/IEC 27001.

7. Trends and Emerging Technologies:

  • 5G Networks: The fifth generation of mobile networks, offering faster speeds and more reliable connections.
  • Edge Computing: Processing data near the edge of the network, closer to the data source, to reduce latency.
  • AI and Machine Learning: Enhancing cloud services with predictive analytics, automation, and intelligent insights.
  • Quantum Computing: Next-generation computing technology that uses quantum mechanics principles.
  • Blockchain: Decentralized ledger technology offering secure and transparent transactions.

8. Best Practices:

  • Regular Updates: Keep software and hardware updated to protect against vulnerabilities.
  • Backup and Disaster Recovery: Regularly back up data and have a disaster recovery plan in place.
  • Network Segmentation: Divide the network into segments to improve performance and security.
  • Access Control: Implement strict access controls to sensitive data and systems.
  • Monitoring and Logging: Continuously monitor network and cloud environments and maintain logs for analysis.


Networking and cloud computing are essential components of modern IT infrastructure. Networking involves connecting devices to share resources, using various topologies, protocols, and devices. Cloud computing delivers computing services over the internet, with models like IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS, and deployment methods including public, private, and hybrid clouds.

Key tools and technologies, such as virtualization, containers, and microservices, enable efficient and scalable solutions. Security, emerging technologies, and best practices ensure robust, efficient, and future-proof network and cloud environments.

Awareness Lane

Below are the study programs and courses in the awareness lane under the Networking & Cloud Computing skill track. To proceed, tap on a study program below to apply to study at DevWorld Tech Academy.
1 session in DWTA is equal to 3 months.

Information Technology & Cybersecurity Fundamentals

Academic Certificate
1 session

Information Technology Fundamentals

This area covers the basic principles and concepts underlying information technology, including hardware, software, networks, and the internet.

Key Areas:

  • Hardware: Understanding the physical components of computers and other digital devices (e.g., CPU, memory, storage, peripherals).
  • Software: Knowledge of different types of software (system software, application software), and how they interact with hardware.
  • Networks: Basics of networking, including types of networks (LAN, WAN), protocols (TCP/IP), and internet infrastructure.
  • Cybersecurity: Understanding threats (e.g., viruses, malware), and protection methods (e.g., firewalls, encryption).

This is a comprehensive Information Technology and Cybersecurity course designed for a beginner student, spread over 3 months with classes 3 days per week for 2 hours each time.

The course is structured to cover fundamental concepts and practical skills necessary for an academic certificate.

Course Outline: Information Technology and Cybersecurity Fundamentals

  • Total Duration: 3 months
  • Weekly Schedule: 3 days per week
  • Class Duration: 2 hours per session

Week 1-2: Introduction to Information Technology

  • Day 1:
    • Introduction to IT
    • Overview of computer hardware and software
  • Day 2:
    • Operating Systems: Windows, Mac, and Linux
    • Basic computer maintenance and troubleshooting
  • Day 3:
    • Networking basics: LAN, WAN, and internet
    • Introduction to IP addresses and DNS

Week 3-4: Introduction to Cybersecurity

  • Day 1:
    • What is Cybersecurity?
    • Importance of cybersecurity in today’s world
  • Day 2:
    • Common cyber threats: viruses, malware, phishing, and ransomware
    • Case studies of major cybersecurity breaches
  • Day 3:
    • Basic cybersecurity practices: creating strong passwords, using antivirus software
    • Overview of cybersecurity tools

Week 5-6: Computer Networks and Security

  • Day 1:
    • Understanding network protocols and models (TCP/IP, OSI)
    • Network devices: routers, switches, firewalls
  • Day 2:
    • Network security concepts: firewalls, VPNs, IDS/IPS
    • Hands-on lab: setting up a simple network and configuring a firewall
  • Day 3:
    • Wireless network security
    • Securing home and small business networks

Week 7-8: Operating System Security

  • Day 1:
    • Securing Windows OS: User accounts, permissions, and updates
  • Day 2:
    • Securing Linux OS: File permissions, user management, and updates
    • Introduction to shell scripting for security automation
  • Day 3:
    • Securing Mac OS: System preferences, updates, and backups
    • Hands-on lab: Configuring security settings on different OS

Week 9-10: Web Security

  • Day 1:
    • Understanding web application security: OWASP Top 10
    • Introduction to HTTPS and SSL/TLS
  • Day 2:
    • Common web vulnerabilities: SQL injection, XSS, CSRF
    • Basic web security practices for users and developers
  • Day 3:
    • Hands-on lab: Analyzing web traffic with tools like Wireshark
    • Implementing basic web security measures

Week 11-12: Data Protection and Privacy

  • Day 1:
    • Importance of data protection and privacy
    • Introduction to data encryption
  • Day 2:
    • Data backup and recovery strategies
    • Hands-on lab: Implementing data encryption and backups
  • Day 3:
    • Overview of privacy laws and regulations (GDPR, CCPA)
    • Best practices for ensuring data privacy

Week 13-14: Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing

  • Day 1:
    • Introduction to ethical hacking
    • Phases of penetration testing
  • Day 2:
    • Tools of the trade: Nmap, Metasploit, Burp Suite
    • Hands-on lab: Conducting a simple penetration test
  • Day 3:
    • Reporting and mitigating vulnerabilities
    • Ethical considerations and legal implications

Week 15-16: Capstone Project and Review

  • Day 1:
    • Introduction to the capstone project
    • Defining the project scope and objectives
  • Day 2:
    • Work on the capstone project (e.g., setting up a secure network, conducting a security audit)
  • Day 3:
    • Completing and presenting the capstone project
    • Review of key concepts and preparation for the final assessment

Course Materials

  • Textbooks:
    • “CompTIA IT Fundamentals+ (ITF+) Certification All-in-One Exam Guide”
    • “The Basics of Cyber Safety: Computer and Mobile Device Safety Made Easy”
  • Online Resources:
    • Cybersecurity courses on platforms like DWTA Online course platform.
    • Documentation and tutorials from Cisco, Microsoft, and Linux distributions

Assessment and Certification

  • Quizzes: Weekly quizzes to reinforce learning
  • Assignments: Hands-on labs and practical assignments
  • Capstone Project: Final project to apply the learned skills
  • Final Exam: Comprehensive exam covering all course topics

Upon successful completion of the course, students will receive an academic certificate in Information Technology and Cybersecurity.

This course structure ensures a balance between theoretical knowledge and practical skills, essential for beginners in the field of IT and cybersecurity.

1 session in DWTA is equal to 3 months.

Tuition & Guidance Fees (billed per session)

  • – Premium Plan: Ghc 1500 per session (offline & online)
  • – Core Plan: Ghc 1500 per session (online only)

Tuition & Guidance Fees (billed per month)

  • – Premium Plan: Ghc 600 per session (offline & online)
  • – Core Plan: Ghc 600 per session (online only)

Information Technology and Cybersecurity Fundamentals

  • Class Duration: 2 hours per day
  • Total Duration: 3 months
  • Weekly Schedule: 3 days per week
  • Monday > 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
  • Tuesday > 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
  • Wednesday > 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm


  • Thursday > 3:10 pm – 5:10 pm
  • Friday > 3:10 pm – 5:10 pm
  • Saturday > 3:10 pm – 5:10 pm

Webmaster Security Administrator

Network Security, Database & Computer Programming

Professional Certificate
2 sessions

Tuition & Guidance Fees (billed per session)

  • – Premium Plan: Ghc 1890 per session (offline & online)
  • – Core Plan: Ghc 1890 per session (online only)

Tuition & Guidance Fees (billed per month)

  • – Core Plan: Ghc 700 per session (online only)
  • – Premium Plan: Ghc 700 per session (offline & online)
  • Class Duration: 2 hours per day
  • Weekly Schedule: 3 days per week
  • Monday > 3:10 pm – 5:10 pm
  • Tuesday > 3:10 pm – 5:10 pm
  • Wednesday > 3:10 pm – 5:10 pm


  • Thursday > 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
  • Friday > 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
  • Saturday > 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Expert Lane

Below are the study programs and courses in the expert lane under the Networking & Cloud Computing skill track. To proceed, tap on a study program below to apply to study at DevWorld Tech Academy.
1 session in DWTA is equal to 3 months.

Tuition & Guidance Fees (billed per session)

  • – Premium Plan: Ghc 2560 per session (offline & online)
  • – Core Plan: Ghc 2560 per session (online only)

Tuition & Guidance Fees (billed per month)

  • – Premium Plan: Ghc 860 per session (offline & online
  • – Core Plan: Ghc 860 per session (online only)
  • Class Duration: 2 hours per day
  • Weekly Schedule: 3 days per week
  • Monday > 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
  • Tuesday > 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
  • Wednesday > 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm


  • Thursday > 3:10 pm – 5:10 pm
  • Friday > 3:10 pm – 5:10 pm
  • Saturday > 3:10 pm – 5:10 pm

Network Technician

Professional Certificate
3 sessions

Network Administrator

Professional Certificate
3 sessions

Network Analyst

Professional Certificate
4 sessions

Network Engineer

5 sessions

Cloud Architect

6 sessions

Infrastructure Engineer

8 sessions

Boost Lane

Below are the study programs and courses under this skill track. To proceed, tap on a study program below to apply to study at DevWorld Tech Academy.
1 session in DWTA is equal to 3 months.

1 session in DWTA is equal to 3 months.

Looking to upgrade for a promotion or for changing your career field or industry? Returning to work after a break and wanting to refresh your knowledge? Already proficient in tech but want to learn a new skill? Our Boost Lane courses are for you.

Evening & Weekend Lectures only
Thursdays & Fridays | 7:00 pm – 10:00pm
Saturdays | 8:00 am – 2:00 pm
Weekly Online Assignments to be submitted (Thursday and Friday evenings)

The teaching schedules are most favorable to High School or University Students, Workers, recent Graduates & Non-Workers. Also, this lane is recommended for Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced learners.

1 session in DWTA is equal to 3 months.

1 session in DWTA is equal to 3 months.

Tuition & Guidance Fees (billed per session)
– Gold: Ghc 1640 per session (offline & online)
– Silver: Ghc 1450 per session (online only)

Tuition & Guidance Fees (billed per month)
– Gold: Ghc 700 per month (offline & online)
– Silver: Ghc 600 per month (online only)

Tuition & Guidance Fees (FREE no billing)
– Weekday & Weekend Students
Online Video and Reading Course Only – Ghc 0 | No real-time live streaming online or offline lectures | No grading, project or assignments | You can pay for final examinations, and get a certificate or diploma if you pass

Student admission to the Boost Lane is in batches (a minimum of 10 – 15 students are required to start each batch).

1 session in DWTA is equal to 3 months.

Web & Computer Programming

Professional Certificate (at least)
2 sessions

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP Programming, Python Programming, Version Control, WordPress, Terminal & CLI, and more

Full-stack Web Developer

Professional Certificate (at least)
2 sessions

Git, React, NodeJS, Restful API, PostgreSQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Version Control, and More

Not For This Lane

There are currently no Literacy & Fundamental study programs or courses in the boost lane.

DWTA Bootcamp

Bootcamp Admission Ongoing >> Some courses and study programs listed below have already started.

Preparing for a promotion? Returning to work? Switching careers? Well, DWTA’s Fast-paced and Slow-paced bootcamps provide the perfect crash courses to teach you the most essential, industry-required knowledge to get you up and running with any skill.

Weekdays: Fast-Paced (Monday – Friday | 8:00 am – 4:00 pm)
Weekends: Slow-Paced (Saturday | 8:00 am – 2:00 pm)
Weekly Online Assignments are submitted 24 hours before lecture time.

The teaching schedules are most favorable to University Students, Workers, recent Graduates & Non-Workers. Also, this lane is recommended for Intermediate & Advanced learners.

1 session in DWTA is equal to 3 months.

1 session in DWTA is equal to 3 months.

Tuition & Guidance Fees (billed per session)
– Fast-Paced Students: Online & Offline – depends on the course | Online Only – depends on the course
– Slow-Paced Students: Online & Offline – depends on the course | Online Only – depends on the course

Tuition & Guidance Fees (billed per month)
– Fast-Paced Students: Online & Offline – depends on the course | Online Only – depends on the course
– Slow-Paced Students: Online & Offline – depends on the course | Online Only – depends on the course

Student admission to the Bootcamp Lane is in batches (a minimum of 5 – 10 students are required to start each batch).

DesignJenius Graphic Design & Web Design

Professional Certificate | Ghc 1700
7 Weeks

BECE/JHS Students Bootcamp (50% Discount)

Academic Certificate | Ghc 700
8 Weeks

Not For This Lane

There are currently no Literacy & Fundamental study programs or courses in the DWTA Intensive Bootcamp.

Courses under this lane are for individuals who are aware that the future belongs to digital literates, and so are willing to upgrade themselves to gain some tech skills. From Zero (total novices) to Hero (beginners and intermediates).

Weekdays: Two (2) days per week | 4 hours per class
Weekends: Saturdays | 8:00 am – 2:00 pm
Weekly Online Assignments are submitted 24 hours before lecture time.

The teaching schedules are easily favorable to Workers, High School or University Students, recent Graduates & Non-Workers. This lane is recommended for Novice, Beginners, and Intermediate learners.

1 session in DWTA is equal to 3 months.

1 session in DWTA is equal to 3 months.

Tuition & Guidance Fees (billed per session)
– Weekday Students: Online & Offline – Ghc 1640 | Online Only – Ghc 1450
– Weekend Students: Online & Offline – Ghc 1700 | Online Only – Ghc 1500

Tuition & Guidance Fees (billed per month)
 Weekday Students: Online & Offline – Ghc 700 | Online Only – Ghc 600
– Weekend Students: Online & Offline – Ghc 800 | Online Only – Ghc 700′

Tuition & Guidance Fees (FREE no billing)
– Weekday & Weekend Students
Online Video and Reading Course Only – Ghc 0 | No real-time live streaming online or offline lectures | No grading, project or assignments | You can pay for final examinations, and get a certificate or diploma if you pass.

Student admission to the Awareness Lane is every month.

Expert lane intensive study programs are best for individuals who see and desire a strong career and future in the tech industry. Taking you from Zero (total novices) to Hero (intermediates and advanced) in less time but with more theoretical & practical skills than other schools.

Weekday Lectures only (no weekends)
1st Session: that is the first 3 months (Five (5) days per week | 8:00 am – 4:00 pm)
2nd Session & Beyond: Three (3) days per week | 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Projects and Assignments submitted as per the policy of each study program

The teaching schedules are most favorable to recent High School or University Graduates & Non-Workers. Also, this lane is recommended for Novice, Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced learners.

1 session in DWTA is equal to 3 months.

1 session in DWTA is equal to 3 months.

Tuition & Guidance Fees (billed per session)
 Premium: Ghc 2400 per session (offline & online)
 Core: Ghc 1900 per session (online only)
 Free Basic: Ghc 0 per session (online only)

Tuition & Guidance Fees (billed per month)
 No monthly installment payments (but you can pay half at the beginning of the session and the remaining after 3 weeks)

Tuition & Guidance Fees (FREE no billing)
– Weekday & Weekend Students
Online Video and Reading Course Only – Ghc 0 | No real-time live streaming online or offline lectures | No grading, project, or assignments | You can pay for final examinations, and get a certificate or diploma if you pass.

Student admission to the Expert Lane is every 3 months.

Already proficient in tech but want to learn a new skill? Looking to upgrade for a promotion or for changing your career field or industry? Returning to work after a break and wanting to refresh your knowledge? Our Boost Lane courses are for you.

Weekend Lectures only (no weekdays)
Saturdays | 8:00 am – 2:00 pm
Weekly Online Assignments to be submitted (Thursday and Friday evenings)

The teaching schedules are most favorable to High School or University Students, Workers, recent Graduates & Non-Workers. Also, this lane is recommended for Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced learners.

1 session in DWTA is equal to 3 months.

1 session in DWTA is equal to 3 months.

Tuition & Guidance Fees (billed per session)
– Gold: Ghc 1640 per session (offline & online)
– Silver: Ghc 1350 per session (online only)

Tuition & Guidance Fees (billed per month)
– Gold: Ghc 700 per month (offline & online)
– Silver: Ghc 540 per month (online only)

Tuition & Guidance Fees (FREE no billing)
– Weekday & Weekend Students
Online Video and Reading Course Only – Ghc 0 | No real-time live streaming online or offline lectures | No grading, project or assignments | You can pay for final examinations, and get a certificate or diploma if you pass

Student admission to the Boost Lane is in batches (a minimum of 10 – 15 students are required to start each batch).

Preparing for a promotion? Returning to work? Switching careers? Well, DWTA’s Fast-paced and Slow-paced bootcamps provide the perfect crash courses to teach you the most essential, industry-required knowledge to get you up and running with any skill.

Weekdays: Fast-Paced (Monday – Friday | 8:00 am – 4:00 pm)
Weekends: Slow-Paced (Saturday | 8:00 am – 2:00 pm)
Weekly Online Assignments are submitted 24 hours before lecture time.

The teaching schedules are most favorable to University Students, Workers, recent Graduates & Non-Workers. Also, this lane is recommended for Intermediate & Advanced learners.

1 session in DWTA is equal to 3 months.

1 session in DWTA is equal to 3 months.

Tuition & Guidance Fees (billed per session)
– Fast-Paced Students: Online & Offline – depends on the course | Online Only – depends on the course
– Slow-Paced Students: Online & Offline – depends on the course | Online Only – depends on the course

Tuition & Guidance Fees (billed per month)
– Fast-Paced Students: Online & Offline – depends on the course | Online Only – depends on the course
– Slow-Paced Students: Online & Offline – depends on the course | Online Only – depends on the course

Student admission to the Bootcamp Lane is in batches (a minimum of 5 – 10 students are required to start each batch).

Not For This Lane

There are currently no Literacy & Fundamental study programs or courses in the DWTA Intensive Bootcamp.