AudioVisual – Study Programs

Below are the study programs and courses under this skill track. Please note that 1 session in DWTA is equal to 3 months. 

Tap on an item below to get more details about tuition fees and how to apply to study at DevWorld Tech Academy.

Audiovisual (AV) is electronic media possessing both a sound and a visual component, such as slide-tape presentations, films, television programs, corporate conferencing, church services, and live theater productions. Skills are usually required for recording, editing and producing. Audiovisual service providers frequently offer web streaming, video conferencing, and live broadcast services. Computer-based audiovisual equipment is often used in education, with many schools and universities installing projection equipment and using interactive whiteboard technology.

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This program prepares students to create different kinds of audiovisual media, such as interactive media and films. This course often focuses on audiovisual theory and practice with classes such as documentation and audiovisual communication, digital culture, analysis of image significance and audiovisual production. Many programs also give students the technical knowledge needed to be involved in both the creation and dissemination of audiovisual media.

This course prepares students to understand the relationship between creators, end users and companies. This knowledge may make it easier to succeed in the audiovisual communication industry. With this education, a student may qualify for a higher salary.

What type of career could a course in audiovisual communication help you achieve? There is a wide variety of jobs you may be able to get. The career you end up with relies in part on your past experiences and other education. You may be able to become a film director, audiovisual communication teacher, interactive content design expert, multimedia producer, television producer or scriptwriter.

Applying to a course in audiovisual communication is easy. Search for your program below and contact directly the admission office.

A Few Job Titles You Could Have:

Designer – Find creative ways to bring experiences to life in classrooms, board rooms, stadiums, concerts, and more.

Project Manager – Keep all the parts of the AV experience moving on time and on budget.

Installer – Set up AV systems with hands-on problem-solving.

Live Recorder



Events Professional – Be the wizard behind the scenes who wows the crowd at big events (like Adele concerts or the Super Bowl).

Technology Manager – Manage the day-to-day AV experiences, ensuring that students learn or business partners can collaborate in Hong Kong and Paris.

See Multimedia Here

Systems Programmer

Academic Certificate (at least)
2 sessions

Professional Photographer

Academic Certificate (at least)
3 sessions

Audio Engineer

Professional Certificate (at least)
4 sessions

Digital Camera Operator

Professional Certificate (at least)
3 sessions

Sound Effects Editor

Academic Certificate (at least)
3 sessions

Sound Engineering Technician

Academic Certificate (at least)
3 sessions