Programming & Security Skill Track Students

  • DWTA Teaching Model: Concept Study Model
  • Skill Track: Programming & Security
  • Available Tuition & Guidance Payment Plan: Premium | Core | Free Basic
  • Who can register: Novice, Beginner or Intermediate
  • Pre-requisite: None

1st Session (12 weeks)

This is the first session study outline for all beginner students who registered for any study program under the Programming and Security Skill Track. . In your first session, full time students under the Premium or Core Tuition & Guidance Payment Plans studying only online or hybrid (both online and offline learning) are expected to attend classes for their courses the whole day from Monday – Friday. . Whilst part time students can attend classes as they wish and can catch-up on missed lectures through recording of the lecture uploaded to our online course portal. And from the second session onward, full time students have lectures two days per week.

>>> Programming & Security Foundation (Frontend & Backend Basics) – 


Course #1  — Internet 

—- 101 – How does the internet work?
—- 101 – What is HTTP?
—- 101 – Browsers and how they work?
—- 101 – DNS and how it works?
—- 101 – What is Domain Name?
—- 101 – What is hosting?
—— 102 – How does the internet work?
—— 102 – What is HTTP?
—— 102 – Browsers and how they work?
—— 102 – DNS and how it works?
—— 102 – What is Domain Name?
—— 102 – What is hosting?


Course #2  — Learn HTML  

—- Learn the basics
—- Writing Semantic HTML
—- Forms and Validations
—- Conventions and Best Practices
—- Accessibility
—- SEO Basics


Course #3  — Learn CSS   

—- Learn the basics
—- Making Layouts > Floats, Positioning, Display, Box Model, CSS Grid, Flex Box
—- Responsive design and Media Queries


Course #4  — Learn JavaScript 

—- Syntax and Basic Constructs
—- Learn DOM Manipulation
—- Learn Fetch API / Ajax (XHR)
—- ES6+ and modular JavaScript
—- Understand the concepts > Hoisting, Event Bubbling, Scope, Prototype, Shadow DOM, strict


Course #9  — Version Control Systems

101 – Version Control Systems – What are they and why you should use one
—- Usage of Git 101
—- Repo hosting services – Create account and Learn to them
——— GitHub 101
——— GitLab 101
——— Bitbucket 101


102 – Version Control Systems
—- Usage of Git 102
—- Repo hosting services
——— GitHub 102
——— GitLab 102
——— Bitbucket 102


Course #18  — Web Security Knowledge

Web Security Knowledge 101
—- Content Security Policy
—- OWASP Security Risks


Course #10  — Operating Systems Knowledge

OS and General Knowledge
—- Terminal Usage
—- POSIX Basics > stdin, stdout, stderr, pipes
—- Basic Terminal Commands > grep, awk, sed, lsof, curl, wget, tail, head, less, find, ssh, kill, dig


Operating Systems Knowledge
— How OSs work in General
— Memory Management
— Interprocess Communication
— I/O Management
— Basic Networking Concepts
— Threads and Concurrency
— Process Management


Course #13  — Databases

Relational Databases
— Overview > PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, MS SQL, Oracle


NoSQL Databases
— Overview > Document DBs – MongoDB, CouchDB | Time Series – InfluxDB, TimeScale | Realtime – Firebase, RethinkDB | Column DBs – Cassandra, HBase | Key-Value – Redis, DynamoDB | Graph DBs – Neo4j

>>> Introduction to Computer Science for Beginners



Course #7  — Learn Programming Languages

— Overview > C++, C, Java, Go, Ruby, PHP, C#, Rust, Python, Elixir, NodeJS

— DWTA In-Depth > Python, Elixir, NodeJS (see their courses below).



Course #8  — Learn Python


Learn the Basics
—- Basic Syntax
—- Variables and Data Types
—- Conditionals
—- Type Casting, Exceptions
—- Functions, Builtin Functions
—- Lists, Tuples, Sets, Dictionaries


Datastructures and Algorithms
—- Arrays and Linked Lists
—- Heaps, Stacks and Queues
—- Hash Tables
—- Binary Search Trees
—- Recursion
—- Sorting Algorithms


Advanced Topics
—- Iterators
—- RegEx
—- Decorators
—- Lambdas
—- OOP
—— Classes
—— Inheritance
—— Methods, Dunder
—- Modules
——— Builtin
——— Custom
—- Package Managers
——— PyPI
——— Pip
——— Conda
—- List Comprehensions
—- Generator Expressions
—- Paradigms


Learn a Framework
—- Synchronous
——— Django
——— Flask
——— Pyramid
—- FastAPI
—- Asynchronous
——— gevent
——— aiohttp
——— Tornado
——— Sanic


Testing your Apps
—- doctest
—- nose
—- pytest
—- unittest / pyUnit



Course #12  — Learn Elixir


—- Introduction
—- Basic types
—- Basic operators
—- Pattern matching
—- case, cond, and if
—- Binaries, strings, and charlists
—- Keyword lists and maps
—- Modules and Functions
—- Recursion
—- Enumerables and streams
—- Processes
—- IO and the file system
—- alias, require, and import
—- Module attributes
—- Structs
—- Protocols
—- Comprehensions
—- Sigils
—- try, catch, and rescue
—- Optional syntax sheet
—- Erlang libraries
—- Debugging
—- Typespecs and behaviors
—- Where to go next


—- Introduction to Mix
—- Agent
—- GenServer
—- Supervisor and Application
—- Dynamic supervisors
—- ETS
—- Dependencies and umbrella projects
—- Task and gen_tcp
—- Doctests, patterns, and with
—- Distributed tasks and tags
—- Configuration and releases


—- Custom Mix Tasks
—- Erlang Interoperability
—- Error Handling
—- Executables
—- Concurrency


—- OTP Concurrency
—- OTP Supervisors
—- OTP Distribution
—- Metaprogramming
—- Umbrella Projects
—- Specifications and types
—- Behaviours
—- Protocols


—- Basics
—- Doctests
—- Bypass library
—- Mox library
—- StreamData library


—- GenStage library
—- Flow library
—- Broadway library


—- Basics
—- Changesets
—- Associations
—- Querying: Basics
—- Querying: Advanced


—- Erlang Term Storage (ETS)
—- Mnesia
—- Cachex library
—- Redix library


—- Benchee library
—- Plug library
—- Embedded Elixir (EEx)
—- Debugging
—- Nerves library
—- Guardian library
—- Poolboy library
—- Distillery library
—- NimblePublisher library


—- Quote and unquote
—- Macros
—- Domain-specific languages



Course #17  — Learn NodeJS


Introduction to Node.js
—- What is Node.js?
—- Why use Node.js?
—- History of Node.js
—- Node.js vs Browser
—- Running Node.js Code


—- Common Formats
——— Common JS
——— ESM
—- Creating Custom Modules
—- [global] Keyword


—- npx
—- Installing Packages
——— Local Installation
——— Global Installation
—- Updating Packages
—- Using Installed Packages
—- Running Scripts
—- npm workspaces
—- Creating Packages
——— Private Packages
——— Public Packages


Error Handling
—- Uncaught Exceptions
—- Types of Errors
——— JavaScript Errors
——— System Errors
——— User Specified Errors
——— Assertion Errors
—- Handling Async Errors
—- Call Stack & Stack Trace
—- Using Debugger


Asynchronous Programming
—- Event Emitter
—- Writing Async Code
——— Promises
——— async / await
——— Callbacks
——— setTimeout
——— setInterval
——— setImmediate
——— process.nextTick
—- Event Loop


Working with Files
—- fs module
—- path module
—- process.cwd()
—- OpenSource Packages
——— glob
——— globby
——— fs-extra
——— chokidar
—- __dirname
—- __filename


Command Line Apps
—- Environment Variables
——— dotenv package
——— process.argv
—- Exitting & Exit Codes
—- Taking Input
——— process.stdin
——— Prompts package
——— Inquirer package
—- Printing Output
——— process.stdout
——— process.stderr
——— chalk package
——— figlet package
——— cli-progress package
—- Command Line Args
——— process.env
——— Commander.js Package


Working with APIs
—- HTTP Server
——— http module
——— fastify framework
——— Nestjs framework
——— Express.js framework
—- Making API Calls
——— http module
——— axios package
——— unfetch package
——— got package
—- Authentication
——— jsonwebtoken package
——— Passport.js package


Keeping Application Running
—- nodemon package
Templating Engines
—- Aejs
—- Apug
—- Amarko


Working with Databases
—- Relational
——— Knex package
——— TypeORM package
——— Sequelize package
——— Prisma package
——— Native Drivers
—- Document
——— Mongoose package
——— Prisma package
——— Native Drivers


—- Jest
—- Mocha
—- Cypress


—- Morgan
—- Winston


Keeping App Running
—- pm2 Package
—- forever Package
—- nohup


—- Child Process
—- Cluster
—- Worker Threads


—- Understanding Streams in NodeJS
—- Streams API


More Debugging
—- Memory Leaks
—- Garbage Collection
—- node –inspect
—- Using APM


Common Built-in Modules
—- Built-in Modules > fs, os, path, url, events, http, console, assert, process, cluster, perf_hooks, crypto, Buffer, net



Course #14  — Introduction to Data Structures

— Overview > Array, Graph, Heap, Linked List, Stack, Queue, Hash Table, Tree



Course #15  — Introduction to Asymptotic Notation

— Overview >> Big O Notation, Big-θ Notation, Big-Ω Notation
— Overview of Common Runtimes >> Constant, Logarithmic, Linear, Polynomial, Exponential, Factorial



Course #16  — Introduction to Common Algorithms

— Overview >> Sorting, Recursion, Tree, Graph, Searching, Caches, Greedy Algorithms, Back Tracking


>>> Introduction to Computer & Network Security


Course #5  — Fundamental IT Skills

—- Computer Hardware Components
—- Connection Types and their function
——— NFC, WiFi, Bluetooth, Infrared
—- OS-Independent Troubleshooting
—- Understand Basics of Popular Suites
——— iCloud, Google Suite, Microsoft Office Suite
—- Basics of Computer Networking


Course #6  — Operating Systems

—- Windows, Linux, MacOS
—- Learn the following for each of the operation System listed above:
——— Installation and Configuration
——— Different Versions and Differences
——— Navigating using GUI and CLI
——— Understand Permissions
——— Installing Software and Applications
——— Performing CRUD on Files
——— Troubleshooting
——— Common Commands


Course #11  — Networking Knowledge

—- Understand the OSI model
—- Common Protocols and their Uses
—- Common Ports and their Uses
—- SSL and TLS Basics
—- Basics of NAS and SAN
—- Basics of Subnetting
——— IP Terminology > Public vs Private IP Addresses, localhost, loopback, subnet mask, CIDR, default gateway
——— Understand the Terminology > VLAN, DMZ, ARP, VM, NAT, IP, DNS, DHCP, Router, Switch, VPN
——— Understand these — MAN, LAN, WAN, WLAN
——— Function of Each — DHCP, DNS, NTP, IPAM
——— Network Topologies > Star, Mesh, Ring, Bus
——— Understand Common Protocols > SSH, FTP, RDP, SFTP, HTTP / HTTPS, SSL / TLS
—- Common Virtualization Technologies > VMWare, VirtualBox, esxi, proxmox
—- Understand basics of Vitualization > Hypervisor, VM, GuestOS, HostOS
—- Troubleshooting Tools > nslookup, iptables, Packet Sniffers, ipconfig, netstat, Port Scanners, ping, dig, arp, Protocol Analyzers, nmap, route, tcpdump, tracert
—- Authentication Methodologies > Kerberos, LDAP, SSO, Certificates, Local Auth, RADIUS

1st Session Weekly Courses & Topics Outline

This is the first session study outline for all beginner students who registered for any study program under the Programming and Security Skill Track.


Course #1  — Internet   Starting in Week 1


—- 101 – How does the internet work?
—- 101 – What is HTTP?
—- 101 – Browsers and how they work?
—- 101 – DNS and how it works?
—- 101 – What is Domain Name?
—- 101 – What is hosting?
—— 102 – How does the internet work?
—— 102 – What is HTTP?
—— 102 – Browsers and how they work?
—— 102 – DNS and how it works?
—— 102 – What is Domain Name?
—— 102 – What is hosting?



Course #2  — Learn HTML   Starting in Week 1


—- Learn the basics
—- Writing Semantic HTML
—- Forms and Validations
—- Conventions and Best Practices
—- Accessibility
—- SEO Basics



Course #3  — Learn CSS   Starting in Week 1


—- Learn the basics
—- Making Layouts > Floats, Positioning, Display, Box Model, CSS Grid, Flex Box
—- Responsive design and Media Queries



Course #4  — Learn JavaScript   Starting in Week 1


—- Syntax and Basic Constructs
—- Learn DOM Manipulation
—- Learn Fetch API / Ajax (XHR)
—- ES6+ and modular JavaScript
—- Understand the concepts > Hoisting, Event Bubbling, Scope, Prototype, Shadow DOM, strict



Course #5  — Fundamental IT Skills   Starting in Week 1


—- Computer Hardware Components
—- Connection Types and their function
——— NFC, WiFi, Bluetooth, Infrared
—- OS-Independent Troubleshooting
—- Understand Basics of Popular Suites
——— iCloud, Google Suite, Microsoft Office Suite
—- Basics of Computer Networking



Course #6  — Operating Systems   Starting in Week 3.

—- Windows, Linux, MacOS
—- Learn the following for each of the operation System listed above:
——— Installation and Configuration
——— Different Versions and Differences
——— Navigating using GUI and CLI
——— Understand Permissions
——— Installing Software and Applications
——— Performing CRUD on Files
——— Troubleshooting
——— Common Commands



Course #7  — Learn Programming Languages   Starting in Week 3


— Overview > C++, C, Java, Go, Ruby, PHP, C#, Rust, Python, Elixir, NodeJS

— DWTA In-Depth > Python, Elixir, NodeJS (see their courses below).


Course #8  — Learn Python   Starting in Week 3


Learn the Basics
—- Basic Syntax
—- Variables and Data Types
—- Conditionals
—- Type Casting, Exceptions
—- Functions, Builtin Functions
—- Lists, Tuples, Sets, Dictionaries


Datastructures and Algorithms
—- Arrays and Linked Lists
—- Heaps, Stacks and Queues
—- Hash Tables
—- Binary Search Trees
—- Recursion
—- Sorting Algorithms


Advanced Topics
—- Iterators
—- RegEx
—- Decorators
—- Lambdas
—- OOP
—— Classes
—— Inheritance
—— Methods, Dunder
—- Modules
——— Builtin
——— Custom
—- Package Managers
——— PyPI
——— Pip
——— Conda
—- List Comprehensions
—- Generator Expressions
—- Paradigms


Learn a Framework
—- Synchronous
——— Django
——— Flask
——— Pyramid
—- FastAPI
—- Asynchronous
——— gevent
——— aiohttp
——— Tornado
——— Sanic


Testing your Apps
—- doctest
—- nose
—- pytest
—- unittest / pyUnit



Course #9  — Version Control Systems   Starting in Week 5


101 – Version Control Systems – What are they and why you should use one
—- Usage of Git 101
—- Repo hosting services – Create account and Learn to them
——— GitHub 101
——— GitLab 101
——— Bitbucket 101


102 – Version Control Systems
—- Usage of Git 102
—- Repo hosting services
——— GitHub 102
——— GitLab 102
——— Bitbucket 102



Course #10  — Operating Systems Knowledge   Starting in Week 6


OS and General Knowledge
—- Terminal Usage
—- POSIX Basics > stdin, stdout, stderr, pipes
—- Basic Terminal Commands > grep, awk, sed, lsof, curl, wget, tail, head, less, find, ssh, kill, dig


Operating Systems Knowledge
— How OSs work in General
— Memory Management
— Interprocess Communication
— I/O Management
— Basic Networking Concepts
— Threads and Concurrency
— Process Management



Course #11  — Networking Knowledge   Starting in Week 8


—- Understand the OSI model
—- Common Protocols and their Uses
—- Common Ports and their Uses
—- SSL and TLS Basics
—- Basics of NAS and SAN
—- Basics of Subnetting
——— IP Terminology > Public vs Private IP Addresses, localhost, loopback, subnet mask, CIDR, default gateway
——— Understand the Terminology > VLAN, DMZ, ARP, VM, NAT, IP, DNS, DHCP, Router, Switch, VPN
——— Understand these — MAN, LAN, WAN, WLAN
——— Function of Each — DHCP, DNS, NTP, IPAM
——— Network Topologies > Star, Mesh, Ring, Bus
——— Understand Common Protocols > SSH, FTP, RDP, SFTP, HTTP / HTTPS, SSL / TLS
—- Common Virtualization Technologies > VMWare, VirtualBox, esxi, proxmox
—- Understand basics of Vitualization > Hypervisor, VM, GuestOS, HostOS
—- Troubleshooting Tools > nslookup, iptables, Packet Sniffers, ipconfig, netstat, Port Scanners, ping, dig, arp, Protocol Analyzers, nmap, route, tcpdump, tracert
—- Authentication Methodologies > Kerberos, LDAP, SSO, Certificates, Local Auth, RADIUS



Course #12  — Learn Elixir   Starting in Week 8


—- Introduction
—- Basic types
—- Basic operators
—- Pattern matching
—- case, cond, and if
—- Binaries, strings, and charlists
—- Keyword lists and maps
—- Modules and Functions
—- Recursion
—- Enumerables and streams
—- Processes
—- IO and the file system
—- alias, require, and import
—- Module attributes
—- Structs
—- Protocols
—- Comprehensions
—- Sigils
—- try, catch, and rescue
—- Optional syntax sheet
—- Erlang libraries
—- Debugging
—- Typespecs and behaviors
—- Where to go next


—- Introduction to Mix
—- Agent
—- GenServer
—- Supervisor and Application
—- Dynamic supervisors
—- ETS
—- Dependencies and umbrella projects
—- Task and gen_tcp
—- Doctests, patterns, and with
—- Distributed tasks and tags
—- Configuration and releases


—- Custom Mix Tasks
—- Erlang Interoperability
—- Error Handling
—- Executables
—- Concurrency


—- OTP Concurrency
—- OTP Supervisors
—- OTP Distribution
—- Metaprogramming
—- Umbrella Projects
—- Specifications and types
—- Behaviours
—- Protocols


—- Basics
—- Doctests
—- Bypass library
—- Mox library
—- StreamData library


—- GenStage library
—- Flow library
—- Broadway library


—- Basics
—- Changesets
—- Associations
—- Querying: Basics
—- Querying: Advanced


—- Erlang Term Storage (ETS)
—- Mnesia
—- Cachex library
—- Redix library


—- Benchee library
—- Plug library
—- Embedded Elixir (EEx)
—- Debugging
—- Nerves library
—- Guardian library
—- Poolboy library
—- Distillery library
—- NimblePublisher library


—- Quote and unquote
—- Macros
—- Domain-specific languages

Course #13  — Databases   Starting in Week 10


Relational Databases
— Overview > PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, MS SQL, Oracle


NoSQL Databases
— Overview > Document DBs – MongoDB, CouchDB | Time Series – InfluxDB, TimeScale | Realtime – Firebase, RethinkDB | Column DBs – Cassandra, HBase | Key-Value – Redis, DynamoDB | Graph DBs – Neo4j



Course #14  — Introduction to Data Structures   Starting in Week 10


— Overview > Array, Graph, Heap, Linked List, Stack, Queue, Hash Table, Tree



Course #15  — Introduction to Asymptotic Notation   Starting in Week 10


— Overview >> Big O Notation, Big-θ Notation, Big-Ω Notation
— Overview of Common Runtimes >> Constant, Logarithmic, Linear, Polynomial, Exponential, Factorial



Course #16  — Introduction to Common Algorithms   Starting in Week 10


— Overview >> Sorting, Recursion, Tree, Graph, Searching, Caches, Greedy Algorithms, Back Tracking



Course #17  — Learn NodeJS   Starting in Week 11


Introduction to Node.js
—- What is Node.js?
—- Why use Node.js?
—- History of Node.js
—- Node.js vs Browser
—- Running Node.js Code


—- Common Formats
——— Common JS
——— ESM
—- Creating Custom Modules
—- [global] Keyword


—- npx
—- Installing Packages
——— Local Installation
——— Global Installation
—- Updating Packages
—- Using Installed Packages
—- Running Scripts
—- npm workspaces
—- Creating Packages
——— Private Packages
——— Public Packages


Error Handling
—- Uncaught Exceptions
—- Types of Errors
——— JavaScript Errors
——— System Errors
——— User Specified Errors
——— Assertion Errors
—- Handling Async Errors
—- Call Stack & Stack Trace
—- Using Debugger


Asynchronous Programming
—- Event Emitter
—- Writing Async Code
——— Promises
——— async / await
——— Callbacks
——— setTimeout
——— setInterval
——— setImmediate
——— process.nextTick
—- Event Loop


Working with Files
—- fs module
—- path module
—- process.cwd()
—- OpenSource Packages
——— glob
——— globby
——— fs-extra
——— chokidar
—- __dirname
—- __filename


Command Line Apps
—- Environment Variables
——— dotenv package
——— process.argv
—- Exitting & Exit Codes
—- Taking Input
——— process.stdin
——— Prompts package
——— Inquirer package
—- Printing Output
——— process.stdout
——— process.stderr
——— chalk package
——— figlet package
——— cli-progress package
—- Command Line Args
——— process.env
——— Commander.js Package


Working with APIs
—- HTTP Server
——— http module
——— fastify framework
——— Nestjs framework
——— Express.js framework
—- Making API Calls
——— http module
——— axios package
——— unfetch package
——— got package
—- Authentication
——— jsonwebtoken package
——— Passport.js package


Keeping Application Running
—- nodemon package
Templating Engines
—- Aejs
—- Apug
—- Amarko


Working with Databases
—- Relational
——— Knex package
——— TypeORM package
——— Sequelize package
——— Prisma package
——— Native Drivers
—- Document
——— Mongoose package
——— Prisma package
——— Native Drivers


—- Jest
—- Mocha
—- Cypress


—- Morgan
—- Winston


Keeping App Running
—- pm2 Package
—- forever Package
—- nohup


—- Child Process
—- Cluster
—- Worker Threads


—- Understanding Streams in NodeJS
—- Streams API


More Debugging
—- Memory Leaks
—- Garbage Collection
—- node –inspect
—- Using APM


Common Built-in Modules
—- Built-in Modules > fs, os, path, url, events, http, console, assert, process, cluster, perf_hooks, crypto, Buffer, net



Course #18  — Web Security Knowledge   Starting in Week 12


Web Security Knowledge 101
—- Content Security Policy
—- OWASP Security Risks

2nd Session and Beyond

From the second session onward, full time students have lectures two days per week. And part time students can proceed as they used to.

Study Program Specifics

Now that your foundation has been well established in the 1st session. Starting from your 2nd session onwards, you will dive deeper into the concepts, practicals, and projects specific to the study program you registered for. 


At the start of every session, a series of courses under your study program are available for you to register for. There are compulsory and electives courses to choose from. Before you start each new session, the available course and their outline will be given to you.

  • 2 days per week will be used for teaching new concepts and principles
  • Another day (1 day per week) will be for teaching Career Path topics (Freelancing, Company Employee, and Entrepreneurship topics). 
  • Another day (1 day per week) will be used to introduce new practicals and offer assistance in already ongoing projects.
