Front-End Web Developer
Study Program Courses

The Frontend Web Developer Course is designed to provide students with the essential skills and knowledge required to build interactive, visually appealing, and high-performing websites. This course covers the foundational technologies of web development, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, along with modern frameworks and tools like React, Bootstrap, and version control using Git. The course emphasizes hands-on learning, preparing students to create responsive and dynamic user interfaces for websites and web applications.

Learning Details and Options

This expanded course blends the technical skills needed for a Frontend Web Developer with the logical and computational thinking of a Computer Programmer, making it ideal for those looking to broaden their career opportunities in the world of software development.

Key Areas:

  1. HTML & CSS Fundamentals:
    • Structure and style webpages using HTML5 and CSS3.
    • Semantic HTML, Flexbox, and Grid layouts for responsive design.
  2. JavaScript Programming:
    • Core JavaScript concepts (variables, functions, loops, DOM manipulation).
    • ES6+ features (arrow functions, destructuring, promises, async/await).
  3. Version Control (Git & GitHub):
    • Collaborating on projects using Git for version control.
    • Understanding branching, merging, and pull requests.
  4. Responsive Web Design:
    • Creating mobile-first designs using media queries and frameworks like Bootstrap.
    • Cross-browser compatibility and debugging techniques.
  5. Frontend Frameworks (React):
    • Introduction to component-based architecture with React.
    • State management, hooks, and building dynamic single-page applications (SPAs).
  6. Web Performance Optimization:
    • Techniques to improve site loading speed, including image optimization and lazy loading.
  7. Web Accessibility:
    • Ensuring websites are accessible to users with disabilities (WCAG standards).
  8. APIs and AJAX:
    • Fetching and handling data from APIs using JavaScript and AJAX.

Assessment & Project Types:

  • Quizzes & Coding Challenges: Regular quizzes to test understanding of key concepts and coding exercises to reinforce practical skills.
  • Capstone Projects: Build fully functional websites or web applications, implementing responsive design, JavaScript interactivity, and integrating APIs.
  • Peer Code Reviews: Students will engage in peer-to-peer code review sessions to improve collaboration skills and code quality.
  • Final Project: A comprehensive, portfolio-ready project that demonstrates mastery of frontend web development skills.

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Develop fully responsive websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  2. Apply JavaScript to create interactive user interfaces and manipulate the DOM.
  3. Build dynamic, component-based web applications using React.
  4. Optimize website performance for faster load times and enhanced user experience.
  5. Implement web accessibility standards to create inclusive websites.
  6. Use Git and GitHub for version control and collaboration in web development projects.
  7. Integrate third-party APIs to fetch and display data in web applications.

This course prepares learners to become proficient frontend web developers, equipped with the tools and knowledge to design, develop, and optimize modern web interfaces.

Fast-Paced & Intensive Learning Option

  • Level: Diploma
  • Session Length: 1 session = 3 months
  • Course Duration: 5 sessions (15 months)
  • Tuition & Guidance Fees:
    • Ghc 2950 per session or
    • Ghc 1300 per month
  • Class Schedule: Monday to Friday, 08:00 am – 01:00 pm

Slow-Paced & Relaxed Learning Option

  • Level: Diploma
  • Session Length: 1 session = 3 months
  • Course Duration: 8 sessions (24 months)
  • Tuition & Guidance Fees:
    • Ghc 2460 per session or
    • Ghc 820 per month
  • Class Schedule: Friday to Sunday, 04:00 pm – 08:00 pm

Frontend Web Developer & Computer Programmer Course

Course Summary:

This Frontend Web Developer & Computer Programmer Course blends web development technologies with core programming concepts to provide a comprehensive learning experience. Learners will not only master frontend development with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript but also gain an understanding of essential programming techniques that apply across a variety of development environments. The course is ideal for individuals who want to create both highly functional websites and develop a strong programming foundation for a broader career in software development.

Key Areas:

  1. HTML & CSS Fundamentals:
    • Structure and style websites using HTML5 and CSS3.
    • Semantic HTML, advanced layout techniques (Flexbox, Grid), and responsive design.
  2. JavaScript Programming:
    • Learn core JavaScript, including variables, functions, loops, arrays, and objects.
    • Modern ES6+ features like arrow functions, promises, and async/await.
    • JavaScript DOM manipulation for dynamic content rendering.
  3. Version Control (Git & GitHub):
    • Version control concepts, branching, merging, and collaboration workflows.
    • Collaborating on codebases with pull requests and resolving merge conflicts.
  4. Computer Programming Fundamentals:
    • Data Types & Variables: Understanding different types of data and how to store them in memory.
    • Control Structures: If-else statements, switch cases, loops (for, while).
    • Functions & Methods: Writing reusable code functions, scope, and closures.
    • Algorithms & Problem Solving: Introduction to algorithms, flowcharts, and solving real-world problems programmatically.
    • Data Structures: Arrays, stacks, queues, linked lists, and their use in applications.
  5. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP):
    • Introduction to OOP principles (encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism).
    • Writing object-oriented code in JavaScript and understanding classes and constructors.
  6. Introduction to Databases & Backend Concepts:
    • Basic introduction to how databases work, focusing on relational databases (SQL) and NoSQL concepts.
    • Overview of backend development, servers, and databases, with a brief introduction to Node.js for running JavaScript on the server.
  7. Responsive Web Design:
    • Build mobile-first websites using CSS frameworks like Bootstrap.
    • Use media queries for cross-device compatibility and grid systems for fluid layouts.
  8. Frontend Frameworks (React):
    • Master component-based architecture using React.
    • Use state management techniques and build Single Page Applications (SPAs).
  9. Web Performance & Optimization:
    • Strategies for reducing loading time: image optimization, lazy loading, and minimizing HTTP requests.
  10. Web Accessibility & Best Practices:
    • Incorporate accessibility standards (WCAG) to create inclusive websites.
    • Keyboard navigation, semantic markup, and screen reader compatibility.
  11. APIs and AJAX:
    • Fetch data from external APIs using AJAX and integrate it into websites.
    • Handle asynchronous programming using JavaScript promises and async/await.

Assessment & Project Types:

  • Programming Challenges: Exercises designed to improve logic and problem-solving skills, such as writing algorithms and handling data structures.
  • Quizzes & Short Coding Tasks: Quizzes to reinforce fundamental concepts in both web development and computer programming.
  • Capstone Projects: Hands-on projects, such as building full websites or applications that demonstrate web development and programming skills.
  • Peer Code Reviews: Gain feedback by participating in collaborative coding exercises with other students.
  • Final Project: A large-scale project that integrates everything from frontend web design to basic programming algorithms and backend data handling, creating a comprehensive solution.

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this course, learners will:

  1. Frontend Development:
    • Build responsive, interactive websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
    • Use modern frontend frameworks like React to build scalable, dynamic web applications.
    • Implement web accessibility standards and optimize performance for faster load times.
  2. Programming Proficiency:
    • Apply key computer programming concepts like data types, control structures, and functions in web development and general programming tasks.
    • Utilize problem-solving techniques to create efficient algorithms and solve programming challenges.
    • Understand and apply object-oriented programming principles to develop reusable, maintainable code.
  3. Version Control and Collaboration:
    • Use Git and GitHub for managing code, collaborating with teams, and tracking project changes.
  4. Backend & Data Handling:
    • Gain a basic understanding of databases and backend technologies, with a foundation for further exploration in full-stack development.
  5. Software Development Skills:
    • Be prepared for real-world software development scenarios with an understanding of not only frontend technologies but also fundamental programming concepts used in many other areas of software engineering.

This course prepares learners to become proficient frontend web developers, equipped with the tools and knowledge to design, develop, and optimize modern web interfaces. This addition will equip learners with a deeper understanding of programming logic, problem-solving skills, and an introduction to backend principles. Here’s an updated course structure that includes these additional topics.