How to Get Accepted into DevWorld Tech Academy

Hello, thank you for your interest in studying at DevWorld Tech Academy.
Our Admission and application process is quite straightforward and has been detailed out below.
Please read carefully to understand and follow each step for a successful admission into our school.

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1. Understand what you would like to study and why.

At DWTA we offer several study programs and courses. Please review them on the Skill Tracks page or through the Study Lanes page to see if any of them interest you or are beneficial to your study or career goals.

2. Review the Tuition Fees, Class Schedules & Payment Plan Options

After identifying the study programs that you are most interested in, review and compare their tuition fees, available payment plans, and teaching schedules to see which one best fits you.

3. Check if you meet the Entry Requirements

On the entry and admission requirements page, you can verify if you are eligible for admission into DevWorld Tech Academy. You will be able to use the information provided to make a checklist of all required documents, housing details, entry/placement tests, pre-requisite courses, entry fees, tools, equipment, etc.

4. Submit the online application form

Once you have gone through the three steps above and are satisfied with your findings, you can submit your DWTA admission application form online. After submitting the form, you will be redirected to a thank you page. Please follow the instructions on it to alert us of your application for faster processing.

5. The Admission Decision

When you alert us of your application submission, a DWTA admission counselor from the registrar’s office will process your application within 4 – 7 working days. We will contact you through our official email address or WhatsApp number to inform you of your successful admission or denial of acceptance.

In some cases, you will be granted a partial (or conditional acceptance) pending additional documents, entry/placement test, or completion of a pre-requisite course for the study program you are applying for.

Learn more about:

6. Reserve Your Spot

Although you have been offered admission, your spot is not guaranteed unless you have paid your tuition fees as proof of accepting the admission offer.

As long as you have not reserved your spot by paying the tuition fees, we reserve the right to give the spot to someone else.

After paying your tuition fees, you will receive a payment receipt and your spot will be reserved. Also, we will inform you when to expect your study starter pack and login credentials. You are to start your class on the date announced in your admission letter.